At Blue Swell Initiative, we believe in developing technological solutions that support sustainability in terms of the environment, society, and finance. Our goal is to improve the environmental impact and resource usage of our products while also enhancing the well-being of machine operators.
We understand that achieving sustainability requires collaborative efforts from everyone. To this end, we take a revolutionary approach to create effective and sustainable washing solutions for professional environments. Our Somengil Multiwashers stand out because they use only two gallons of water per cycle and employ sophisticated technology that reduces cycle times, thereby reducing energy consumption.
In addition, Multiwashers are essential in extending the lifespan of baking equipment, leading to less equipment waste. With advanced cycle washes, they can effectively remove grease, dirt, and product buildup.

Expérience client moyenne
Eau économisée
Énergie économisée
Moins de travailleur pour le lavage
Économies de détergent
Le changement climatique se fait sentir à travers l'eau.
À certains endroits, il y a trop d'eau; dans d'autres, trop peu…
Saviez-vous que 2 milliards de personnes vivent sans accès à l'eau potable ?
Les Nations Unies ont créé une Journée mondiale de l'eau pour sensibiliser à ce problème et développer un objectif clair de rendre l'eau potable et l'assainissement accessibles à tous d'ici 2030.